
#304 ENDOOM lump out of date

Always occurs!

The ENDOOM lump for doom legacy is from pre-GPL
releases. Namely:

"Doom Legacy add-on is freeware and should not be sold."

This is a contradiction to the GPL and perhaps should
instead be re-written as (for example)

"Doom Legacy is available for free and licenced under
the GPL. Please see <file> for details."

I know its courtesy to provide a fix where possible
with a bug and I would do so in normal circumstances,
but unfortunately I do not have an ENDOOM-lump editing
tool (or indeed wad editing tools) to hand, sorry!


  • Jonathan Dowland

    • priority: 5 --> 1
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO


  • Thierry Van Elsuwe

    • assigned_to: nobody --> hurdler
  • Thierry Van Elsuwe

    Logged In: YES

    you are right, we should rewrite it. it should be done for
    our next stable release.

  • Thijs Kinkhorst

    Thijs Kinkhorst - 2005-11-28

    Logged In: YES

    I tried 1.42 and the message still appears. Do you think it
    would be possible to fix this, since it seems (to me as an
    outsider) rather easy and would solve a blocker bug for
    Debian. Thanks.

  • Jonathan Dowland

    Logged In: YES

    Hi - the ENDOOM bug in debian (#216375) is not a blocker.
    Rather, "#264816: doomlegacy-sdl: combines incompatible,
    non-dfsg licences" is. As such, this bug (in is a
    bit of an interesting one. The ENDOOM lump is out-of-date
    but GPL is not an accurate description of legacy's licence
    situation either.

    For the record, I am still working on getting the raven
    source relicenced which I think is the only viable way to
    make legacy legitimate from a licencing POV and until that
    happens it isn't going to stay in debian.

  • Thijs Kinkhorst

    Thijs Kinkhorst - 2005-11-28

    Logged In: YES

    I noticed that later too, but thanks for pointing it out. It
    would still be good if it's fixed though.

  • Ville Bergholm

    Ville Bergholm - 2010-07-11
    • priority: 1 --> 4
    • assigned_to: hurdler --> smite-meister
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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