Home / OpenEMM software / OpenEMM 6.2
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
Bugfixes (2) 2011-02-17
Translations.txt 2011-05-24 598 Bytes
messages_pt.properties 2011-05-24 54.4 kB
messages_it.properties 2011-05-24 53.1 kB
cmsmessages_pt.properties 2011-05-24 1.0 kB
cmsmessages_it.properties 2011-05-24 673 Bytes
OpenEMM-6.2-VMX.part3 2010-12-23 154.3 MB
OpenEMM-6.2-VMX.part2 2010-12-23 209.7 MB
OpenEMM-6.2-VMX.part1 2010-12-23 209.7 MB
OpenEMM-6.2-bin.tar.gz 2010-12-17 27.1 MB
OpenEMM-6.2-win32.zip 2010-12-17 29.4 MB
README.txt 2010-12-17 5.8 kB
UPDATE.txt 2010-12-14 3.2 kB
OpenEMM-6.2-src.tar.gz 2010-12-13 4.8 MB
OpenEMM-6.2-JARs.tar.gz 2010-12-13 17.0 MB
Replace_RecipientDaoImpl.txt 2010-12-13 434 Bytes
RecipientDaoImpl.class 2010-12-13 34.0 kB
CHANGELOG.txt 2010-12-10 32.8 kB
Totals: 18 Items   652.2 MB 0
Since version 6.0 Java 5 is no longer supported because SUN stopped free
support in October 2009.

Since version 5.5 the login on port 8081 is no longer supported, please use
port 8080 instead.

If you used the online update of OpenEMM to upgrade to this version, please
read file UPDATE.txt in this directory to finish the update process manually.

If you want to upgrade OpenEMM manually, please read the section below.

If you want to install OpenEMM from scratch we strongly recommend to download
and consult the extensive OpenEMM Install Guide (PDF format) to avoid problems.

To use the online update feature of OpenEMM (Linux only) you have to open
TCP/IP port 8044 in the same way you opened port 8080 as described in the
OpenEMM Install Guide.

If you use Windows, the online update is not available. Please read the Windows
Install Guide for information on how to install and update OpenEMM.

OpenEMM QUICK UPDATE GUIDE for Red Hat and compatible Linux distributions
1. Download binary tarball to directory /tmp from web address

2. Stop the old OpenEMM and rename the old OpenEMM directory
$> su - openemm
$> OpenEMM.sh stop
$> exit
$> cd /home
$> mv openemm openemm_backup

3. Create the new OpenEMM directory
$> mkdir openemm
$> cd openemm

4. Untar OpenEMM tarball as root
$> tar -xvzpf /tmp/OpenEMM-6.2-bin.tar.gz
   (please do not forget option "p"!)

5. Copy content for /usr/share/doc
$> mkdir -p /usr/share/doc/OpenEMM-6.2
$> mv USR_SHARE/* /usr/share/doc/OpenEMM-6.2
$> rm -rf USR_SHARE

6. Replace the generic string "http://localhost:8080" with the domain name of
   your server (like "http://www.domain.com:8080") in these files:
   - /usr/share/doc/OpenEMM-6.2/openemm-6.2.sql (once)
   - /home/openemm/webapps/core/WEB-INF/classes/emm.properties (twice)
   - /home/openemm/webapps/core/WEB-INF/classes/cms.properties (once)

7. Copy the modifications you made to the "old" files emm.properties and
   cms.properties (found in /home/openemm_backup/webapps/core/WEB-INF/classes/)
   to the new files.

8. Start MySQL DBMS and update the OpenEMM DB and CMS DB
   (depending on the version which you update from you have to update the
    databases step by step through executing the corresponding SQL files
    in the right order - please see OpenEMM Install Guide for details)
$> /etc/init.d/mysqld start
$> mysql -u root -p openemm < /usr/share/doc/OpenEMM-6.2/update_openemm-...
$> mysql -u root -p openemm < /usr/share/doc/OpenEMM-6.2/update_openemm-...

9. Launch OpenEMM
$> su - openemm
$> OpenEMM.sh start
$> exit

If you want to downgrade OpenEMM to a version before 6.2 you have to synchro-
nize table customer_1_tbl_seq with customer_1_tbl before launching the old
version of OpenEMM, because customer_1_tbl_seq is no longer used beginning
with OpenEMM 6.2. Start MySQL, enter the command to update customer_1_tbl_seq
and leave MySQL:
$> mysql -u root -p openemm
mysql> INSERT INTO customer_1_tbl_seq (customer_id) SELECT max(customer_id) FROM customer_1_tbl;
mysql> quit

MySQL OpenEMM CMS database dump:

MySQL OpenEMM CMS demo database dump:

OpenEMM Change Log:

OpenEMM License:


MySQL OpenEMM database dump:

MySQL database update (for OpenEMM 5.0.3 and earlier)

MySQL database update (for OpenEMM 5.1.0)

MySQL database update (for OpenEMM 5.3.0)

MySQL database update (for OpenEMM 5.3.1)

MySQL database update (for OpenEMM 5.3.2)

MySQL database update (for OpenEMM 5.4.0)

MySQL database update (for OpenEMM 5.5.0)

MySQL database update (for OpenEMM 5.5.1)

MySQL database update (for OpenEMM 6.0)

MySQL database update (for OpenEMM 6.0.1)

MySQL database update (for OpenEMM 6.1)

System info for OpenEMM Update feature:

Script which is executed by OpenEMM's online update
after the upgrade to the current version:

MySQL Database Conversion Script to convert the whole database
to UTF-8 character set (if you want to use OpenEMM beyond the
5.4.0 release, you must once convert your database):

Website:    http://www.openemm.org
Twitter:    http://www.twitter.com/openemm
Support:    http://www.openemm.org/support.html
Facebook:   http://www.facebook.com/openemm
Newsletter: http://www.openemm.org/newsletter.html
Maintainer: Martin Aschoff (ma AT os-inside DOT org)

OpenEMM uses the Open Source Initiative Approved License "Common Public
Attribution License 1.0 (CPAL)". Open Source Initiative Approved is a
trademark of the Open Source Initiative.

Copyright (c) 2006-2010 AGNITAS AG, Munich, Germany
Source: README.txt, updated 2010-12-17