
#1194 Italian translation need update

3.0 Series

Italian translation need update.
Some strings are not so fine, sometiems too long, and many times are truncated.
I attached the new language file for Italian.
Please use it in the future.

2 Attachments


  • Anders

    Anders - 2017-10-16

    Not all of these changes are correct?

    "Accordo di licenza" --> "Licenza d'uso" = "License Agreement" --> "User license"

    "Disinstallazione" --> "Rimozione dei file" = "uninstalling" --> "Removing files"

    "Registrazione di: " --> "Registrazione in corso: " = "Registration of:" --> "Registration in progress:"


  • Bovirus

    Bovirus - 2017-10-21


    Could you please explain with dtails?
    I didn't understand it.

    • Anders

      Anders - 2017-10-21

      Some of your new translated strings don't translate as well to English as the existing ones so I'm not sure if they are a improvement.

  • Bovirus

    Bovirus - 2017-10-21

    I'm a professional tarnslator for many important freeware/shareware project and I beleieve that is an important resource that you can sue to fix the problem that affected the current NSIS Italian language.

    I beleive that you cannot judge of a translation only about 4 terms without know the time spent for this and the tranmslator.

    I'm afraid that you judge my translation an improvements only for 4 strings when I spent my spare time to revised it (and test in place it - I believe that no one etst the translation in place for the reason explianed after).

    I will check the strings mentioned with English strings.

    We can discuss about the meeaning of the terms because many times are the same terms that in italian can be expressed in different forms.

    The current Italian language contains many big issues that someone should fix from a long time.

    1. "Welcome on installation ..." many times the strings is too long for the space available and in the string most of time you lost the name of the application that is at the end of the string.
    2. In the langauge there is many time "Press ..." that is not correct for Italian. The right one is "Select ... " because "Press" is for keyboard but generally in the UI you should use "Select".
    3. There are many strings that use the same flow of English strings but is not correct fotr Italian language because we use many times an opposite sense of the phrase (adjective/name/verb).
    4. Many othere isssues...

    Thanks. Bye.


    • Anders

      Anders - 2017-10-21

      Thank you. It is not always easy for us to verify the changes when all we have is Google Translate and Microsoft Terminology Collection.

      You are allowed to add your name to the credits section in the language files. I just added you as Bovirus, let me know if you want to use a different name and/or a email address.

  • Bovirus

    Bovirus - 2017-10-22


    Thanks for this opportunity. My nickname is bovirus.
    Please add my translation files to your repository. Thanks.

  • Anders

    Anders - 2017-10-23
    • labels: --> translation
    • status: open --> closed-accepted

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